Kara Morgan Really Likes Four

Wolfy's Journey
Photo by Moviehouse

On the night of Wolfy and Leat’s premiere of Wolfy’s Journey, I sat and heard the tale of how Leat had begun her journey as a puppeteer and film-maker partly at 3rd Ward Moviehouse, providing themed material for one of their anniversary shows. Doubtless their encouragement of her art helped to contribute to her confidence and the brilliant film which followed, soon to be released on DVD. The moment I heard about this and Moviehouse’s recent plea to artists to submit specific shorts for their fourth anniversary, I immediately thought, “Kara Morgan.”

After a short explanatory email and a link, my dear friend pounced on the opportunity like a short-haired vixen and poof! created a brilliant episode of the Kara Morgan Show to fit perfectly into their theme. Their requirements? They requested “2-minute propaganda films relating to two pairs, four bases, four directions, four suits of cards, or the four horsemen.” Kara provided all of them, quite brilliantly. My only question? What’s her second favorite number? I smell a sequel.